Sunday, 1 July 2012


We've decided to get a bigger bed seeing as we have to share it with two fat cats, and RB and I seem to have really big elbows that get in the wrong places at the wrong times.  I'd heard about Feather & Black and loved their website - - and was dead excited to see that they had an Outlet store in Chichester which isn't far from here.

My GOD that store is AMAZING!  If you love beautiful things and incredible bargains, you really cannot - and I'm saying this with so much enthusiasm there is neitehr font nor special effect that can convey it - CANNOT (best I can do) do better than a trip.  The discounts in the outlet are outstanding and the lovely manager, Donna, was really helpful and didn't make us feel like lepers for not wanting to pay £1.5k for a divan.

We came away with (or at least, we will when we've finalised the van-hire) a king divan and a mattress, two of these gorgeous chests of drawers and beside tables.

 And the piece de resistance, or however you say it - this headboard. This headboard was an AMAZEBALLS bargain: instead of £499, we got it for £275.

The fabric is Pebble and is a really lovely warm grey.  I am SO excited about this lot arriving.  At the moment, our room is so patchy with half painted walls, sanded filler, unpainted woodwork ---  it'll be so relaxing to get into bed and not be constantly aware of all the work that needs doing.  

Anyway, Feather and Black rule.  Yeah. 

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